May 1, 2012@11:08 PM
LOL camp tomorrow. I really should sleep, but I'm waiting for my videos to convert so I can continue to no-life even at camp.

haha. yea story of life.

I didn't go to athletics carnival today since I was thinking of doing my physics assignment =="
But I needed to buy some food for camp so I thought I'll just go out shopping for a little bit but me and gran ended up trying clothes on and then eating at a Jap restaurant. Now this all ended pretty early and I would've had time for work but for some reason, I got really really really sleepy after lunch so I decided to take a nap. And after nap, it was packing time.

Therefore I had 'no time' to do my work..... Saturday at the library it is ==" ugh and I need to pick up my lens on saturday :/ yerhyerhyerh purple lens...nonono I need more money and a job $_____$
