September 21, 2010@10:13 PM
alksjdfhlkajs fell asleep on the train today ==" and nearly missed my stop

It was so awkward and embarassing suddenly realising it's my stop and trying to get past all the people getting on .____. even more embarassing when you trip and hit your knee on the steps and then someone sees you and asks if you're okay...fml =="

Anyway, I couldn't really get much sleep last night T_T I went to bed early but never managed to fall asleep :(

I would sleep earlier tonight, but I have ICT and my egg assignment to do ARRGHH FMLFMLFMLFMLFMLFML TT_TT

so yes this is a short post because *cough* i still haven't finished eggy yet -___-"
and I haven't even finished my 30 letters thing @_@
