August 15, 2010@12:53 PM
Best friends are defined as (on google (:) "an especially close and trusted friend"

I love my tomodachis (L)

Starting with my husband crystal choi. I met her in year 7 and she was in my peer support group^^ We had the same classes and yehh she was stuck with me >:D Then in year 8 we had most of our classes together and yehh she was stuck with me again *evil laugh* but yes I love my vegetable snow baby XD

Then there's Mish - my lovely daughter K3

Esther Shi is the gay child that's shorter than me ;] I love that little darling to bits K3 She has a very dirty mind for such a young child :OO But yehh i love that dirty mind all the same :DD Oh and one more thing, she's a MAN :DD hehe ;)

Erica - not sure if you're gonna see this but- she is a very tall lanky shang child with huge eyes and naturally light brown hair :) She's a very pretty thing ;)

Denise is that gay child which goes by the username mymostloved on BS :D That pro html-ing nerd and I actually 'met' in year 8 when I was stuck to sit with her in maths D: nah jksjks I had a 'great' time ;DD My unbiological sister and I went through the writing chinese in diary phase; taking and editing photos phase and of course now the html blogskin phase 8DD


